A Linked Society of the Royal Institute of British Architects
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2023 Awards Ceremony, Special General Meeting and Drinks Party

The annual awards evening held on November 30, 2023 was a celebration of outstanding architectural and artistic achievement. The evening commenced with a Special General Meeting, during which TAG members unanimously agreed upon a refined constitution, now also available on our website in the about section.

After welcoming the full house, TAG’s Chairman declared that the evening was not only an occasion to celebrate TAG’s own annual awards but also the signal honour represented by a member of TAG  - Ben Pentreath - having won earlier in the year the 2023 Richard H. Driehaus Prize. Ben then took to the stage himself to deliver a variant of his original acceptance speech, a thoughtful, moving and encouraging reflection of how far our movement has come since the then Prince of Wales’s book A Vision of Britain was published in 1989. What struck a chord with many was the loose parallel he evoked of how those behind the Cultural Revolution in China in the 60s had sought to erase history and memory, and specifically the Four Olds (Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits), but how relative common sense later returned. Even if the architectural establishment and academia have yet to catch up, in most of the world the majority of people today want to see more of the qualities associated with traditional architectural wisdom. 

The subsequent awards ceremony featured the recognition of exceptional talent across various categories:

Best Measured Drawing

  • Luka Pajovic received the first prize for his exquisite rendering of Wren’s Christ Church, Greyfriars, London - a harmonious blend of measured ruins and a virtual reconstruction of Sir Christopher Wren's original design.

Student Projects 2023

  • Notably, three outstanding student entries earned Second Place recognition, displaying commendable creativity: Andreea Camelia Ciuc, Emily Walker and Harry Cooper. 


Best Member’s Built Project

  • Stuart Martin's rigorous and holistic design for a cottage in Somerset earned him the prestigious TAG Prize, reflecting the embodiment of the spirit of new traditional architecture.

Special Award

  • Howard Vie, a dedicated TAG member, received special recognition for creating and teaching a drawing course to primary school children in Dudley. This initiative, fostering an appreciation for architectural heritage, resonates with TAG's commitment to engaging the younger generation.

Howard Vie is an architectural illustrator with an exceptional portfolio of artwork. He studied architecture at the Architectural Association and completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Historic Building Conservation at Bath University. His sketches and paintings can we viewed on his website.

Lifetime Achievement Award

  • The evening reached its pinnacle with the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award to Craig Hamilton. His dedication to architecture as an art, demonstrated through measured and recorded buildings, collaborations with sculptors, and a marriage to a painter, has created a body of work that invites contemplation and reflection.

Craig Hamilton's legacy stands as a testament to the seamless union of the contemplative and the artistic, illuminating a path forward free from distractions—an inspiring vision for the future of traditional architecture. His timeless buildings showcase a rare sensitivity, drawing attention beyond classical circles.

For more information about the winners and their work please visit our awards page.

The awards ceremony was followed by a drinks party, an event for which tickets had booked up so rapidly that being able to attend had become quite a privilege, and in retrospective the TAG committee regretted not having been able to catch up with everybody present due to a lack of time and high attendance. TAG is therefore considering to plan an additional social event in Spring 2024.

Nigel Anderson