A Linked Society of the Royal Institute of British Architects


TAG Talk: New Prospects for Traditional Architecture: Nicholas Boys Smith in discussion with Samuel Hughes
7:00 pm19:00

TAG Talk: New Prospects for Traditional Architecture: Nicholas Boys Smith in discussion with Samuel Hughes

Join us for our upcoming TAG Talk: New Prospects for Traditional Architecture, Nicholas Boys Smith in discussion with Samuel Hughes.

Traditional architecture plays an ever-increasing role around the world. The British Government has said that it wants its new towns to be made up of ‘Georgian-style terraces’. The world’s largest architectural patron, the US Federal Government, controversially plans to procure exclusively traditional architecture in future. The urbanistic principles of the traditional revival are now widely accepted in the mainstream. In country after country, the traditional architecture sector is flourishing.

Nicholas Boys Smith and Samuel Hughes discuss how traditional architecture can continue to broaden its reach, looking at the challenges and opportunities it will face in the years to come.

Nicholas Boys Smith is the founding chairman of the design practice, town-builder and think tank, Create Streets and an influential writer on the design and history of our towns and cities. He was chair of the Office for Place, co-chair of the influential Building Better Building Beautiful Commission and a Commissioner of Historic England until 2022. His books include No Free Parking and Heart in the Right Street. He was awarded an MBE for services to design and place-making in the 2024 New Year’s Honours List.

Dr Samuel Hughes is a research fellow at the University of Oxford. He worked as Sir Roger Scruton’s research assistant on the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission, and has since worked on built environment policy with Policy Exchange, Create Streets, the Office for Place, and the Centre for Policy Studies.

For tickets and more information follow this link.
Free for members, £5 plus booking fee for non-members.

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Traditional Architecture and Urban Design Summer Schools 2025
6:00 pm18:00

Traditional Architecture and Urban Design Summer Schools 2025

Most architectural schools do not consider Traditional Architecture an acceptable subject. Avant-garde and Modernist ideas that arose in the wake of World War I became consolidated by World War II, replacing previous teaching and cultural traditions. Traditional principles of design were discarded, leading to a loss of knowledge about how traditional buildings and cities were created and why they successfully embodied human values and patterns of life. The new ideas, combined with industrial processes, also led to a decline in craftsmanship and a shift away from natural materials, resulting in significant costs for the built environment due to a lack of sustainability.

The near impossibility of studying tradition with a view to practical application within accredited architectural education has motivated many to address the issue. Several Summer Schools in Traditional Architecture and Urban Design have emerged across Europe and worldwide, aiming to create a viable alternative to the mainstream contemporary educational offerings.

Join us for an Open Table discussion, offered by INTBAU and TAG on these Traditional Architecture Summer Schools, exploring their aims, achievements, and the challenges they face in growing, gaining recognition, and potentially becoming an alternative pathway for architectural education.

Meet the founders of these movements, get a taste of what Summer Schools offer, and discover if embarking on this educational adventure is right for you!

Don't miss this unique opportunity: FREE tickets for students, available exclusively for this Open Table discussion!

We will showcase schools that were active in 2024 and are preparing for their 2025 editions, as well as introduce new programs starting in 2025, in total around 17 Summer Schools around the world. Fasten your seatbelts!

For tickets and more information follow this link.
Free for students, £5 plus booking fee for professionals.

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The Value of Tradition: A Personal Journey, TAG Talk by Hugh Petter
7:00 pm19:00

The Value of Tradition: A Personal Journey, TAG Talk by Hugh Petter

An active interest in the nature tradition as a living, evolving phenomenon, has run like a golden thread through the unusually broad career of architect and urban designer Hugh Petter, a director of ADAM Architecture.

In this lecture Hugh will draw upon his academic research and the varied project work published in his recent monograph, Living Tradition, to lay out how, he believes, the past has so much to teach us as we wrestle with contemporary design problems. He will explain how we can produce new buildings that are elegant, enduring and highly sustainable, and which also sit comfortably alongside their older neighbours and landscape settings to create beautiful, harmonious places.

Hugh will reveal how he is helping to pioneer new, collaborative ways of working with landowners and developers, adopting a coherent common design language rooted in vernacular traditions to conceive and deliver elegant new commercial urban development that reinforces local character and cultural identity in ways that are at once familiar, popular and enduring. He will demonstrate too how such an approach to development can embrace social inclusiveness and build civilised communities whilst creating a significant long term economic premium and, most importantly, enabling the residents to live low carbon lives.

Hugh Petter is an architect and master-planner with a profound and wide-ranging interest in traditional architecture and contextual urbanism. He is a director of ADAM Architecture who employ a team of over 160 people. His diverse project portfolio includes new town and country houses: conversion, renovation, and extensions to listed buildings; commercial, retail, sports venue and tertiary education projects, and masterplans for mixed use developments for private, institutional, and local authority landowners.

Hugh won Rome Scholarships in 1990 and 1991. He helped establish the Foundation Course at The Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture, and has served as trustee and vice chairman of the Georgian Group; trustee of The Prince’s Foundation, and trustee and Chairman of the Art Workers Guild. He has written numerous articles and essays and teaches regularly.

A monograph, Living Tradition, The Architecture and Urbanism of Hugh Petter, was published in October 2023.

For tickets and more information follow this link.
Free for members, £5 plus booking fee for non-members.

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A Sense of Proportion and Puritanical Love of Simplicity
7:00 pm19:00

A Sense of Proportion and Puritanical Love of Simplicity

Join us for our upcoming TAG Talk on the 23rd of January: The Life and Work of C F A Voysey, by Tony Peart, Trustee of the C F A Voysey Society.

C F A Voysey (1857-1941) was one of the leading architects of the Arts and Crafts movement. He was of the generation that immediately followed A W N Pugin and E W Godwin and, like them, saw the architect’s role as not to simply design a building but also the objects and furnishings that would be found within it, from the paper on the walls to the cutlery on the table. Even before his architectural career was fully established, he was widely celebrated as the leading pattern designer of his generation and would go on to design furniture, metalware, lighting, sculpture, and ceramics.

Voysey had a long career as a designer but his career as an architect was all but over by 1914. Hailed by Pevsner as a pioneer of the Modern Movement—something he vigorously refuted—he viewed himself as a proponent of the English Gothic, the ‘last disciple of Pugin’.

This talk will illustrate most aspects of this complex and contradictory architect’s work and using Voysey’s own words will explore the very personal ideology that informed his work and attempt to explain his motivations in challenging the architectural establishment of his day to the detriment of his career.

Tony Peart is a Senior Lecturer in Illustration at The University of Cumbria and a Trustee of the C F A Voysey Society (voyseysociety.org). He has researched and written about most aspects of Voysey’s work as a designer as well as other aspects of nineteenth and early twentieth century decorative design. He has been researching a monograph on The Birmingham Guild of Handicraft for many years and has just had a paper published on The Betula Ltd., a small London firm of furniture makers who in the 1930s designed and manufactured anthroposophical furniture (expressionist furniture inspired by the ideas of the philosopher and mystic Rudolf Steiner).

For tickets and more information visit this link.
Free for members, £5 plus booking fee for non-members.

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Awards Ceremony 2024
6:00 pm18:00

Awards Ceremony 2024

Join us on Wednesday, 4th of December, from 6-10pm GMT for our annual TAG Awards celebration!

Awards for the best Measured Drawing, the best UK Student Project, the best TAG Member's Built Project and for Outstanding Craftsmanship will be proclaimed.

The Awards Ceremony will be followed by a party with drinks and light snacks. This event will take place at the Art Workers’ Guild in London.

Tickets and more information via this link.

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A Stone Oasis: TAG Talk in Conversation with Maher Azmi Abu-Samra, MAS Studio
7:00 pm19:00

A Stone Oasis: TAG Talk in Conversation with Maher Azmi Abu-Samra, MAS Studio

Join us on the 17th of October for our upcoming TAG Talk. Architect Maher Azmi Abu-Samra, founder of MAS Design Studio, is a Jordanian architect initially educated in modernist principles, but later developing a deep appreciation for traditional architecture. His understanding of these traditions was greatly influenced by his collaboration with renowned architect and professor Abdel-Wahed El-Wakil.

Abu-Samra's work continues the legacy of Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, often called the "Architect of the Poor," who championed the use of sustainable, locally-sourced materials like adobe and traditional mud construction, challenging Western building designs and materials.

Abu-Samra’s notable projects, designed in the Islamic Mediterranean style, feature traditional construction techniques, including load-bearing stone walls, vaults, and domes, often arranged around serene internal courtyards.

In this TAG Talk, Abu-Samra will delve into the captivating geometry and philosophy of these stone structures, demonstrating how traditional architecture can offer a sustainable, resource-efficient alternative, echoing Fathy’s sage advice: “Look under your feet, and then build.”

Tickets and more information available via this link.

Free for members, £5 plus booking fee for non-members.

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TAG Talk: For an Inheritable City
7:00 pm19:00

TAG Talk: For an Inheritable City

How and why to end ideological teaching if we care about future generations

In his urban regeneration projects for the Rome’s Corviale & Palermo’s ZEN neighbourhoods, and many other urban regeneration projects developed with his students, Ettore Maria Mazzola was able to demonstrate that, by simply taking back in hand the extraordinary urban, economic, social, political and environmental lessons inherited from the 1908-1926 Rome, those can constitute a really valuable inheritance to be bequeathed to the next generations, in all aspects.

Not only the socio-urban-architectural-economic lesson of those years is fundamental for an inheritable future, but also the techniques and building materials used by designers and builders of the time, i.e. those reported in the extraordinary handbooks of Carlo Formenti dated 1909.

In this TAG Talk, Ettore Maria Mazzola will show us how to apply that extraordinary lesson from our recent past to achieve a better future, demonstrating that, the lesson, properly adapted to the current needs, can be considered internationally valid, not only for Italy.

In fact, unlike a post-enlightenment or "modern-technicist" approach, we cannot think of having an universal solution for the whole planet, but only valid general rules, that have always to be applied in accordance with the local customs and traditions.

There is a necessity to recover the 'sense of belonging’ or better said, the respect for the ‘genius loci’, meaning that the problem must be approached using a methodology, as a flexible instrument to be adapted case-by-case, to each of the different situations encountered. Prof. Mazzola will share with us this methodology that he developed and it’s teaching to his graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture.

Prof. Arch. Ettore Maria Mazzola is an architect, urbanist, restorer, painter and author of several essays and books.

Vice President of A.U.T. (Architettura e Urbanistica Tradizionale), Member of the Committee for Urbanism of Italia Nostra; Member of the INTBAU, member of the Board of Making Cities Livable, member of the Cultural Institute “Gruppo dei Romanisti”. In 2006 he has been Member of the International Scientific Committee for The Venice Charter Revisited.

In addition to the numerous restoration projects implemented in Rome and urban/architectural projects developed in Italy, E. M. Mazzola has carried out several projects for new residences and primary/secondary schools in the Moscow Region, in collaboration with the architect Maxim Atayants.

His urban projects have been the recipients of several awards and/or honorable mentions.

In 2016 he has been invited by the UNESCO, as one of the 500 international personalities called for giving suggestions, thoughts and sketches for the reconstruction in Syria.

Tickets and more information via this link.

Free for members, £5 plus booking fee for non-members.

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Embodied Wisdom, TAG Talk by Cory Rouillard, presenting the wisdom embodied in the traditional architecture.
7:00 pm19:00

Embodied Wisdom, TAG Talk by Cory Rouillard, presenting the wisdom embodied in the traditional architecture.

As we address climate change through the treatment of our built environment, recognition of the wisdom and ingenuity of traditional techniques provides a valuable perspective and a broader set of inspirational strategies for sympathetic embodied and operational carbon mitigation.

This presentation introduces viewers to the embodied wisdom of “inherently sustainable features”. It breaks down the thought process from climate to concepts of human comfort and building longevity to strategies to achieve them. It presents a global survey of multiple examples to illustrate each concept and shares resources to explore these concepts further, across four general climate categories. It suggests ways in which these strategies may contribute to meeting carbon targets and may provide resilience in the face of climate threats and shifts in our local climate.

Cory Rouillard, AIA, APT RP, LEED AP is a New York-based Preservation Architect at Henson Architecture and an active advocate for Climate Leadership through Preservation. Her award-winning work has included the restoration of significant historic buildings, new construction in historic contexts, and work in unusual circumstances, including full building relocation and reassembly from previously disassembled components.

In the office and in her professional outreach, she promotes technical guidance for the appropriate care of existing buildings to both protect our cultural heritage and meet our carbon mitigation targets. She is a frequent speaker on topics including tools for sustainable preservation, the wisdom of vernacular design, and the urgent need for the continued use of our built heritage.

Cory is a Co-Chair of the Association for Preservation Technology’s Technical Committee on Sustainable Preservation. Since 2011 she has led the development of the Online Sustainable Conservation Assistance Resource (OSCAR).

Henson Architecture: https://www.hensonarchitect.com/

The Association for Preservation Technology (APT): https://www.apti.org/

APT Technical Committee on Sustainable Preservation (TCSP): https://www.apti.org/sustainable-preservation

OSCAR: https://oscar-apti.org/

This past event is now available on our Youtube channel via this link.

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Annual General Meeting and Party
5:15 pm17:15

Annual General Meeting and Party

Join us for this year's Annual General Meeting of the Traditional Architecture Group and give us feedback on what you would like to see from TAG in the coming year. The General Meeting will take place from 5.15 pm to 6:30 pm and will we followed by a party from 6:30 pm to 21:30 pm. Please book a free ticket to give us a better idea of numbers. Guests can either book for the general meeting and the party, or only for the party. Drinks and nibbles will be provided.

The AGM is for members only. The party is open to members and non members.

We do hope to see many of you at this Celebration of TAG’s continuing growth and relevance!

This event is free, but please order a ticket via this link to give us an idea of numbers. To order your ticket, please type in the code AGM24.

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Lutyens - Invention and Reinvention! A TAG Talk by Clive Aslet on the life and work of Britain's Greatest Architects, Sir Edwin Lutyens
to 24 May

Lutyens - Invention and Reinvention! A TAG Talk by Clive Aslet on the life and work of Britain's Greatest Architects, Sir Edwin Lutyens

Sir Edwin Lutyens (1869-1944) was one of the great architects of the twentieth century. His Edwardian country houses, surrounded by rhapsodic gardens, beguiled clients with their romance and wit. After 1918, the war memorials that he created symbolised a grieving nation’s sense of loss. In the new capital of the British Raj, New Delhi, the Viceroy’s House or Rashtrapati Bhavan had a footprint bigger than Versailles. His unfinished Liverpool Cathedral would have rivalled St Peter’s in Rome.

Intensely shy, Lutyens hid his personality behind puns and jokes - and yet he could be called ‘part mystic’, a reference to an inner profundity. Rich in stories, the Talk will cover the entertaining and stylish biography of the architect, based on Clive's forthcoming book, a major new study incorporating fresh research which shows this most charismatic of architects in a new light.

Clive Aslet is an award-winning writer and Visiting Professor of Architecture at the University of Cambridge. In 2019, he founded Triglyph Books with the photographer Dylan Thomas, whose first title was their joint book Old Homes, New Life: the Resurgence of the British Country House.

Clive has published more than thirty books on architecture and British culture, beginning with The Last Country Houses for Yale University Press in 1982. This was republished by Frances Lincoln as The Edwardian Country House in 2012. In 1990, Yale also published his book The American Country House, a study of a comparable phenomenon to the Edwardian country house which arose in the United States during the Gilded Age. He returned to Yale for The Story of the Country House published in 2021. Other of Clive’s titles include Landmarks of Britain (Hodder and Stoughton, 2005) and War Memorial (Penguin, 2013).

For many years Clive was Editor of the magazine Country Life and he is now Chair of the Lutyens Trust. Married with three children, Clive lives in London and Ramsgate, England.

To watch the recording of this event, please visit our Youtube channel via this link.

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INTBAU Cambridge Conference - 20/21 May
to 21 May

INTBAU Cambridge Conference - 20/21 May

  • Downing College Regent Street Cambridge CB2 1DQ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Post-Disaster Reconstruction Conference: The Presence of Past Disasters

The conference will explore historic disasters' present impact. Presenting case studies from around the globe, speakers will discuss how these events shaped and continue to shape our built environment, seeking to unearth new parallels between geographically and temporally disparate disasters.  Convened by INTBAU & CCSA, with the support of the Ax:son Johnson Foundation. MORE.

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The Stonemasonry Company Workshop Visit
10:30 am10:30

The Stonemasonry Company Workshop Visit

TAG is very pleased to announce that it has arranged a visit to The Stonemasonry Company workshop on Friday, 10th of May, from 10.30 am until 4pm.

The Stonemasonry Company is very happy to have the TAG’s members visiting the yard to see their innovative solutions. The day will start with a series of presentations including:

- Welcome and introduction of the design studio.

- The path of stone. From blocks to Form. A walk through the plant from gantry saws cutting to the final polishing by hand of a stair step.

- Mock up reviews. Vault, prototype for Large residential tower structure, Hybrid structure, steel and stone.

- Activities. Pre-tensioning of a column.

- CPD. Stone by default. How Structural Stone for Modern Building is implemented and the opportunities offered by reinforced and prefabricated stone elements.

- Surgery on stone specifications, stone use from spolia to prefabrications. A review of a case study using SMC solutions systems. How to integrate latest technologies in Traditional architecture.

A light lunch will be provided.

Collection can be arranged from the Train station in Stamford if necessary.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance to this accredited CPD workshop.


Unfortunately, this event got cancelled.

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Understanding Period Plasterwork with Philip Gaches
to 26 Apr

Understanding Period Plasterwork with Philip Gaches

This was a workshop with Philip Gaches, Deeping St James, UK.

Course Outline:

There are 3 distinctly different periods of plasterwork in the UK.
The use of plaster on ceilings dates from the end of the 15th century flourishes in the 16th century with those Elizabethan masterpieces and blossoms in the 17th century with the more complex Jacobean work but by 1700 fashion is changing with more influence from Europe and Palladianism sweeps in with its beautiful balance and precision. This style continued through the Georgian period and its Neo classicism but by 1850 a new method was introduced.
Cheaper, quicker and installed dry Fibrous casting has arrived and taken over and so it is to today fibrous plaster though inferior to all that came before is still the most popular method of creating ornamental plasterwork.
Philip Gaches has taught traditional plastering in Myanmar, Afghanistan and across Europe during his 45 year career during which he has gained a huge amount of experience all of which he brings to each course he teaches.
In the “ Understanding Period Plasterwork “ course spread over two days he will guide the students through the three periods using a combination of presentations and practical demonstrations. 
This will be followed by each participant creating their own pieces of plasterwork from each period under Philip's guidance.
Through the process of making a piece the participants will understand the difference between the materials, methods and designs of each period in the evolution of plasterwork in the UK.

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The Imitation Game, plus Social
5:00 pm17:00

The Imitation Game, plus Social

Join us on Friday, April 12th, for an engaging exploration of traditional architecture and urbanism at the UK section of TAG-24. This event is an integral part of the Traditional Architecture Gathering, an international annual tradition orchestrated by The Classic Planning Institute.

The event, co-produced by CPI Stoa and RIBA-TAG, will feature keynotes and open table discussions broadcasted live to the US audience. The theme for the afternoon is Imitation, delving into the intricate spectrum from copying to invention within traditional design. It's an opportunity to unravel the nuances and complexities inherent in this timeless art form.

The live proceedings commence at 5pm and wind down at 7 pm, paving the way for a Drinks Party until 10 pm. Please note that exclusive access to the event is by invitation only, reserved for TAG Members, strategic partners, the press and close friends.

Join us as we delve into the heart of traditional architecture, fostering connections, and celebrating the rich tapestry of our shared heritage.

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TAG Talk - Thursday 21th of March 2024 - Craftsmanship in the Cotswolds
7:00 pm19:00

TAG Talk - Thursday 21th of March 2024 - Craftsmanship in the Cotswolds

Craftsmanship in the Cotswolds – A 10-year conservation project to a Grade I Listed Manor House_ a TAG Talk by George Lawson in conversation with Philip Gaches and Ben Naylor.

Icomb Place is a medium sized Country House located within the Cotswolds, standing since 1424. In 2010 the current owners bought the estate and embarked on a journey to comprehensively refurbish and conserve the wider estate and the Main House which was in a poor state of repair.

The construction work to the Main House has been meticulous, using some of the best known and highly skilled craftsmen within the UK. The planning phase of the project took three years and the construction a further seven years. Throughout the entire process the focus and the continuous driver of the project, led by the client, has been to achieve the highest quality of work possible.

The scope of the works for the project has involved conservation but also new build, fully comprehensive tasks including: re-roofing, insulation, stone & render works, refurbishing the utility/kitchen block; bespoke new plasterwork, architectural fireplaces, joinery and specialist decorative paintworks.

George Lawson – ECL Chartered Surveyors
George Lawson is a Chartered Project Management Surveyor with the RICS. George specialises in working for private clients undertaking major construction projects to country houses. Much of George’s work has been focused on work to historic country houses and their estates. George is passionate about the preservation of historic buildings and using the right materials and techniques required to conserve them. This passion was ignited when he had the good fortune to work alongside Rory Young on many of his historic conservation projects.
Philip Gaches – Gaches – Plasterwork of Historic Buildings
Philip Gaches, accompanied by a small team including his two sons Will and Jude, is one of the leading specialists of historic plasterwork throughout the UK and beyond. Philip has worked on some of the most significant buildings throughout his career, include Apethorpe Palace and Buckingham Palace.
Ben Naylor – Jack Badger Traditional Joinery
Ben is the managing director and co-founder of Jack Badger a traditional joinery company based in Glossop, Derbyshire. Working all over the UK Ben and his highly skilled team specialise in using traditional craftmanship and techniques with a modern twist.
The recording of this talk can be viewed here.

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Traditional Architecture Summer Schools in Europe - Open Table Discussion on Traditional Architecture & Urban Design Summer Schools in Europe
7:00 pm19:00

Traditional Architecture Summer Schools in Europe - Open Table Discussion on Traditional Architecture & Urban Design Summer Schools in Europe

Most architectural schools in Europe do not consider Traditional Architecture as an acceptable subject. Avant garde and Modernist ideas that arose in the wake of World War I became consolidated by World War II, so much so that they replaced previous teaching and culture. Traditional principles of design were discarded, leading to a loss of knowledge of the ways in which traditional buildings and cities were created, and why they successfully embodied human values and patterns of life. The new ideas in conjunction with industrial processes also led to a decay of craftsmanship and a tendency to abandon natural materials, with untold costs for the built environment due to a lack of sustainability.

The almost impossibility of studying tradition with a view to application within accredited forms of architectural education has led many to seek to remedy the situation. Several Summer Schools in Traditional Architecture and Urban Design have sprung up all around Europe, aiming to create a viable alternative to the mainstream contemporary educational offer.

Through discussions and insights shared, attendees and participants of this Open Table Discussion gained a glimpse into the unique offerings of Summer Schools around the world and potential opportunities for alternative pathways in architectural education.

Panellists from the following Summer Schools and the discussion were moderated by Mark Wilson Jones, the TAG Chair & INTBAU:

- CSCA Summer School - Engelsberg,Sweden/ Cambridge UK

- ‘The Design Principles Behind Oxford’s Classical Facades', Oxford , UK

- La Table Ronde de l'Architecture (TRA)_The Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts, Belgium and The Alsace Summer School of Architecture & Crafts, France

- ‘Let’s Build a Beautiful City’, Utrecht, Netherlands

- Rafael Manzano Summer School, Spain ; Arcos de Valdevez Summer School, Portugal

- Create Streets Foundation, Urban Design and Architecture Summer School in Sherborne

- The Summer School of Traditional Architecture and Urbanism of Izamal, Yucatán, INTBAU Mexico

- Enduring Design Masterclass at the University of Queensland, INTBAU Australia & The Prince’s Trust Australia

Access the recording here to delve deeper into this educational exploration.

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Bernardo Vittone, Architect of the Transcendent - TAG Talk by Julian Bicknell in conversation with George Saumarez Smith
7:00 pm19:00

Bernardo Vittone, Architect of the Transcendent - TAG Talk by Julian Bicknell in conversation with George Saumarez Smith

Bernardo Vittone Architect of the Transcendent

Bernardo Vittone (1704-1770) was one of the most inventive and prolific architects of the late Italian Baroque. Living and working in Turin, he created a unique group of churches, chapels, monasteries, nunneries, palazzi and town halls. Julian Bicknell has assembled an extensive archive of drawings and photographs of these unique buildings. He will illustrate, describe and analyse some of the most remarkable of Vittone’s religious buildings ~ exploring his philosophical, aesthetic and architectural agenda, his design methodology, spatial composition and his use of sophisticated geometry.

Julian Bicknell


Julian Bicknell (b 1945) studied at King's College, Cambridge. He worked with Edward Cullinan, the Royal College of Art Project Office and at Arup Associates before setting up his own architectural practice in 1983.

His work is focused on the design and construction of new buildings, in which the lessons of history are combined with contemporary architectural thinking and technology. It includes a number of significant private houses: Henbury Rotonda and Carden Hall in Cheshire, Upton Parva in Warwickshire, Arragon Mooar on the Isle of Man as well as new interiors at Castle Howard, a Shakespearian Village and Theatre in Japan, and an estate of 50 luxury houses near Runnymede.

He was a founding trustee and teacher at the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture, and Master of the Art Workers Guild for 2013.

George Saumarez Smith is one of the leading classical architects of his generation. George’s work has ranged in scale from new country houses and garden buildings to large housing schemes. Much of his inspiration comes from the appreciation and study of historic buildings, combined with a keen interest in the continued use of the techniques of classical design handed down through history. George has written several books on architecture and regularly teaches classicism at schools across Europe and North America.

The recording of this talk can be viewed here.

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6:30 pm18:30


The annual awards evening on November 30, 2023, celebrated outstanding architectural and artistic achievements. The event began with a unanimous agreement on a refined constitution during a Special General Meeting, now accessible on our website.

TAG's Chairman, in front of a full house, highlighted the evening as a celebration not only of TAG's awards but also of Ben Pentreath, a TAG member, who earlier won the 2023 Richard H. Driehaus Prize. Ben, in his address, reflected on the progress of the architectural movement since the publication of the Prince of Wales's book in 1989. He drew a parallel to the Cultural Revolution in China, emphasizing the importance of preserving traditional architectural wisdom. Despite some lag in the architectural establishment and academia, Ben expressed optimism that the majority worldwide supports the values associated with traditional architecture.

The subsequent awards ceremony featured the recognition of exceptional talent across various categories: Best Measured Drawing, Student Projects, Best Member’s Built Project, Special Award and Lifetime Achievement Award. Visit our ‘awards’ page to find out who won.

The awards ceremony was followed by a popular drinks party, for which tickets had sold out quickly. Due to high attendance, the TAG committee regrets not being able to meet everyone. Considering this, TAG is contemplating an extra social event in Spring 2024.

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Locker and Riley Plaster Workshop Tour
11:00 am11:00

Locker and Riley Plaster Workshop Tour

TAG organised a visit to Locker & Riley's Decorative Plaster Workshop on November 8th, 2023. This well-received workshop took place at Locker & Riley's facilities in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex.

The day commenced with a series of comprehensive presentations, covering:

  • The history of Locker and Riley

  • The inception and design evolution of decorative plasterwork, encompassing CPD on Decorative Plasterwork, repair, restoration, materials, methods, along with a pertinent case study.

  • A presentation titled “Realising the Designer’s Dream”

Participants were graciously invited into the studio to engage in hands-on modelling of a clay detail. A curated experience was ensured with provision for tea, coffee, and a luncheon. Post-lunch, participants were afforded the opportunity to craft a plaster cast from a designated mould within the workshop.

A guided tour of the plaster workshop offered a first-hand observation of skilled tradesmen and apprentices at work, complemented by an exploration of Locker & Riley's extensive mould inventory.

In acknowledgment of their involvement in this accredited CPD workshop, participants were presented with a formal certificate. The event was distinguished by its professional ambiance and enriching content, offering participants a valuable and memorable experience.

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TAG Talk by Timothy Smith and Jonathan Taylor
7:00 pm19:00

TAG Talk by Timothy Smith and Jonathan Taylor

We are very pleased to announce that the next TAG Talk will be by Timothy Smith and Jonathan Taylor.

On Thursday, 2nd November 2023 Timothy and Jonathan presented their talk called:

Losing Streak: the Competition and Architectural Exploration

Smith and Taylor are interested in the potential of classicism as a living language of architecture. The talk will describe their pursuit of new ideas with a particular focus on their submissions to architectural competitions, the translation of precedent, and their teaching research.

Timothy Smith and Jonathan Taylor are practitioners, educators and researchers operating in the field of classical and traditional architecture. They established their London-based practice in 2010 and in 2011 at Kingston School of Art, set up the first classical design course in a RIBA accredited school for over 80 years and the only one, as far as they know, in a European school of architecture.

Current projects include a new build artist’s studio and art gallery in Camden, the refurbishment and extension of two London houses and new build housing in London, Essex and Cambridgeshire.

In Spring 2021 they were William H. Harrison guest critics in classical architecture at the University of Miami, they and have been Visiting Scholars at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC since Spring 2022.

Last year they were awarded the ICAA Arthur Ross Award for Education in New York City and in 2021 they received a Traditional Architecture Group Achievement Award in recognition of their ten years of classical design education. After plaudits for their teaching they were thrilled to receive a TAG Award for one of their buildings in 2022.

The recording of this talk can be viewed here.

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New Vernacular Architecture - Creating Identity of Place - Research and Practice - by Jonathan Weatherill
7:00 pm19:00

New Vernacular Architecture - Creating Identity of Place - Research and Practice - by Jonathan Weatherill

New Vernacular Architecture 

Creating Identity of Place - Research and Practice - by Jonathan Weatherill

Vernacular architecture and urban design can be used as a tool to help heal damage done to urban, suburban and rural space in the past 100 years. In badly planned places with little or no clear past identity, New Vernacular architecture can be created to become intrinsically representative of the identity of that place. The case in point is Rozzano, a suburban dormitory town built in Milan’s green belt in the ‘60s and ’70s, to house immigrant workers from Southern Italy. The basic principles behind the creation of Vernacular architecture are illustrated in a previous study that is the seed of ongoing research. These principles are then applied to the case of Rozzano. The results of this research and the resulting project could represent a new direction for architecture and urban design; a small step to resist the proliferation of anonymous and uniform building that continues to erase the identities of places worldwide

Jonathan Weatherill is an Associate professor of the Rome Program of the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture. He is a practising architect who has lived in Italy since graduating from the Architectural Association in London over 25 years ago. He runs his own practice and has also collaborated with 2014 Driehaus laureate Pier Carlo Bontempi since they met in Milan thirty years ago. His professional experience has spanned the genres of Modernism and Classicism, in a wide range of fields from industrial design to restoration and urban planning.

He is inspired by the timelessness of the rural vernacular and the elegant equilibrium of architectural language of the past. His work is the result of an eclectic education informed by his varied experience and the comprehension of local reality through investigation and on-site and archival documentation.

A recording of this talk can be found here.

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Vitrolithic Workshop Tour
11:00 am11:00

Vitrolithic Workshop Tour

TAG had an exclusive tour of the workshops of Vitrolithic, near Rochester, Kent, where we were shown how modern methods of manufacture including digital modelling and 3D printing, combined with traditional techniques, are being used to create new and replacement decorative ornamentation for stucco and terracotta buildings.

The Vitrolithic team demonstrated how recycled materials and low carbon alternative binders can be used in the process to reduce our impact on the environment.

The tour was followed by a trip to Rochester Cathedral guided by the resident archaeologist and then members and guests enjoyed a jovial lunch on the historic Rochester High Street.

TAG would like to thank Chris Gladwell of Vitrolithic for hosting this very enjoyable and informative outing.

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Building Physics Processes Governing Traditional and Modern Houses
7:00 pm19:00

Building Physics Processes Governing Traditional and Modern Houses

In this talk by Martina Pacifici, she explores the building physics processes governing the environmental performance of a traditional building and comparing them with a modern house. Our UK building stock include a vast variety of building typologies dating back to different ages. The energy performance of this man-made stock stands out for being one of the worst in Europe; therefore, there is great attention across UK industry for its renewal and adaptation to the climate emergency the Planet is living. To support these changes, designers, architects and engineers must work together to creatively upgrade their technical skills and enable affordable and effective retrofit interventions. Diverse buildings require different retrofit approaches. “When planning energy efficiency improvements, it is important to understand the way the house performs as an integrated environmental system”. Based on these premises, the lecture will explore the differences between a “traditional” and “modern” building system, focusing on the contraposition of the following building physics pairs: Leakage & Airtightness, Breathability & Vapour barrier, Capillarity & Damp-proof membrane, Thermal Mass & Insulation, Natural Ventilation & Mechanical ventilation, Fireplace & Heating systems.

 Martina Pacifici, PhD. Senior Associate, Sustainability Lead

 Martina is Sustainability Lead at ADAM Architecture, architectural practice leader in traditional architecture and urban design. Her aim is to lead the practice to deliver the most sustainable design, by improving the designed buildings’ energy performance and mitigate their carbon footprint. Martina is experienced in building and urban dynamic energy modelling, thermal comfort, data-driven environmental design and sustainability consultancy.

 Martina studied Architectural Engineering at “Sapienza” University of Rome and earned her Doctorate degree at “USP” University of São Paulo, Brazil, in Civil and Urban Construction Engineering. Her doctoral thesis was focussed on the study of the energy and environmental performance of the built environment, from the building to the urban scale. Her research addressed the study of the interdependencies between urban morphology, building energy performance and urban climate.

 Martina is BREEAM Advisory Professional and Passivhaus Design/Consultant certified. She is reviewer for science journals including Sustainable Cities and Society. 

To view the recoding of this talk, click here.

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The Architectural Capriccio, an online talk by Lucien Steil
7:00 pm19:00

The Architectural Capriccio, an online talk by Lucien Steil

In this Zoom talk Lucien Steil discusses his ‘Architectural Capriccios’, as a meditative technique of ‘Design Thinking’, allowing the hand, the heart and the mind to come together in a process of Feeling-Drawing-Building, as an act of connection with our humanness.

His drawings encompass visions of places which can be inhabited poetically and sensuously, from Elsewhere & Nowhere, where architecture emerges as the ‘natural’ habitat of mankind within nature. The Capriccios develop in the same realm of memory, intuition, emotion and desire as the built projects, and their lack of materialisation is not affecting the intensity of their reality.

Fascinated by sketchbooks where the autobiographical, fantastical, and mythical merge into graphical fictions, Lucien sees his sketches as a methodological tool to frame architectural invention, rather than only showing his own work as a part of a professional portfolio.

 The ‘Architectural Capriccio’ is not an antidote to the death of architecture as an essential cultural, artistical and technical endeavour, but it can be considered as a meditative and ‘mnemonic’ act of resistance and reconstruction dedicated to recover and restore the fundamental creative and poetical principles of architectural imagination, theory, and praxis.

Lucien Steil is an author, educator and architect dedicated to the design and building of healthy, durable and beautiful places and buildings in a world of many and diverse inspiring traditions and cultures. He believes traditional cities and architecture have always been the ideals of harmony and beauty in a destabilized, disrupted world. For him traditional cities and architecture have remained desirable models of cultural identity, home, urbanity, and civilization.

To watch the recording of this talk, click here.

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Traditional Architecture Group AGM
6:00 pm18:00

Traditional Architecture Group AGM

This year's Annual General Meeting will take place at the Art Workers Guild from 6pm to 7:30pm and will we followed by a party from 7:30pm to 9:30. Please book a free ticket to give us a better idea of numbers.

The AGM is for members only. The party is open to members and non-members/guests.

Free tickets can be booked following this link.

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The House of the Statue that Fell from Heaven: Architecture in Service of Art, by Craig Hamilton
7:00 pm19:00

The House of the Statue that Fell from Heaven: Architecture in Service of Art, by Craig Hamilton

Over the past 30 years Craig Hamilton has produced many buildings which were designed to house statues of Deities of one kind or another. This follows the Classical tradition in Antiquity of temples designed to house statues of Gods and Goddesses. In this talk Hamilton will illustrate his continuing collaboration over many years with the sculptor Alexander Stoddart, Sculptor in Ordinary to His Majesty The King in Scotland, and draw parallels with the way in which architects in the past worked in close collaboration with sculptors. Examples include Ictinus and Phidias, Schinkel and Christian Daniel Rauch, and M.G Bindesbøll and Bertel Thorvaldsen. In Bindesbøll Hamilton finds the closest of parallels where his life's work seems in many ways to be in service of the genius of the sculptor and in worship of the redeeming power of Art.

Hamilton is dedicated to a modern Classical architecture which is informed by a broad and deep understanding of the Classical tradition. In the words of the late Professor Gavin Stamp: “In the superficial, polarised debate about architecture today, Hamilton would have to be labelled as a ‘traditionalist’ as he is one of those who believes that something useful and beautiful can still be said in the language of the Greeks and Romans. But, unlike many in his camp, he is not in thrall to the cult of Palladio … Hamilton is so much wider and more intelligent in his outlook, for he is acutely aware of so many more architects in the past who have demonstrated how it is possible to be expressive, original and yes, truly modern in Classical terms”. He has a special interest in sacred and monumental architecture and has completed three new chapels and is working on a fourth. He has also completed two mausoleums and is working on a third.

In 2018, Hamilton was honoured by the Institute of Classical Art and Architecture in America as the 37th recipient of the Arthur Ross Award for a lifetime achievement in Classical Architecture.

To view the recording of this talk, click here.

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The Pantheon: a Flawed Masterpiece, by Mark Wilson Jones
7:00 pm19:00

The Pantheon: a Flawed Masterpiece, by Mark Wilson Jones

As we heard in the preceding TAG Talk by Gordon Higgott, the Pantheon is the most fascinating and most revered building of Roman antiquity. Written accounts, visual representations, and architectural progeny all tell us that it has been deeply admired from late antiquity to the present day, yet significant aspects of its design have been much criticized by architects, including those of the stature of Francesco di Giorgio, Michelangelo, Vasari, Inigo Jones and Carlo Fontana. Many of the Pantheon's basic historical and technical premises continue to be debated, including the origins of its plan, the phasing and date of the fabric, and even its very name and purpose.

This talk, which revisits the themes of date, design and construction in the light of the accumulated research of recent years, will resolve many of the problems - though by no means all…

Mark Wilson Jones, Chair of TAG, is an architect and architectural historian with an unusual interest in antiquity (a period often viewed as the domain of archaeology).  He trained at the University of Cambridge and then Polytechnic of Central London  before winning the Rome Prize in Architecture at the British School at Rome. After a period combining research with practice in London and Rome, he joined the department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at The Univeristy of Bath in 2000, teaching primarily history, theory and some studio.

Mark's research interests revolve around issues of design. His fascination with the Pantheon and its design began at the British School, when officially studying Renaissance material, and the building was the focus of his first publication (with Paul Davies and David Hemsoll).  The final two chapters of Mark's Principles of Roman Architecture (Yale UP 2000, the only book to have been awarded both the Banister Fletcher Prize by the RIBA and the Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion by the Society of Architectural Historians), were dedicated to the Pantheon, as was later, in 2015, the whole volume The Pantheon in Rome from Antiquity to the Present, co-edited with Tod Marder (Cambridge University 2015, winner of the American PROSE for best book of that year in Classics). Some of Mark’s controversial early ideas on this evergreen icon have been validated by the work of other scholars, while the argumentation has - hopefully - improved with age.

To view the recording on our You Tube channel, please click here.

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Inigo Jones and The Pantheon in Rome, a talk by Dr. Gordon Higgott
7:00 pm19:00

Inigo Jones and The Pantheon in Rome, a talk by Dr. Gordon Higgott

Dr. Gordon Higgott, talks about Inigo Jones and his analysis of the Pantheon in Rome.

During his seventeenth-month tour of Italy with Lord Arundel, Inigo Jones (1573–1652) travelled to Rome in late December 1613 and stayed there two months before visiting Naples and returning to Rome for a few weeks in May 1614. He visited the Pantheon at least twice and studied this building more closely than any other ancient Roman monument. His comments, written alongside the woodcut illustrations in his copy of Palladio’s I Quattro Libri dell’Architettura (Venice, 1601), are remarkably acute in their observations on the history of the fabric and its interior decoration. Jones was then 40, and mostly skilled in stage design rather than architecture. He had been studying architecture for over five years, mainly through reading and annotation, and in 1613 had been promised the post of Surveyor of the King’s Works. Trained as a painter, draughtsman and joiner, he had an eye for surface detail, materials and moulding profiles. His notes at the Pantheon are a vital historic record of many lost original features and reveal aspects of Jones’s ‘mind-set’ as an architect which help us understand his achievement in two of his most celebrated works: the Banqueting House, Whitehall (1619–22), and his classical restoration of St Paul’s Cathedral, with its great west portico (1633–42).

Dr Gordon Higgott is an independent architectural historian specialising in architectural drawings and design practice in early modern Britain. He has published widely on the work of Inigo Jones and on the drawings of Sir Christopher Wren and his office for St Paul’s Cathedral, Greenwich Royal Hospital, Hampton Court Palace and Westminster Abbey. For many years he was a historic buildings inspector and historian at Historic England. He is currently preparing a new critical edition of Inigo Jones’s annotated copy of Palladio’s I Quattro Libri dell’Architettura (Venice, 1601) at Worcester College, Oxford.

To view the recording of this talk, click here.

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6:30 pm18:30


Here are images of the winning entries. See our Awards page and News page for more details of the event.

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TAG Talk 20: Building Crafts
7:00 pm19:00

TAG Talk 20: Building Crafts

Three experienced craftsmen and craftswoman discuss their work and approach to Building Crafts.

 The first talk, 'London Stone Carving: Sculpture in Stone' is by Sam Lee.

Sam Lee is a stone carver, sculptor, and Director at London Stone Carving Ltd. Sam discusses stone carving in the 21st Century, the working practice at LSC, and share some of their most notable projects.

London Stone Carving Ltd are a multi award winning team of craftsmen, creating classical and contemporary sculpture as well as fine architectural stonework.


The second talk, 'Contemporary Woodcarving' is by Clunie Fretton.

Clunie Fretton is a classically trained sculptor, gilder, and master carver working on private and public commissions in the heritage sector. She has a varied practice ranging from restoration of antiques to production of new work in the classical tradition. Since 2016 she's developed her current practice, Fretton Handley, in partnership with stone carver Felix Handley.

 In this talk, Clunie shares with us a selection of completed commissions, noting some of the challenges facing carvers today, and what role sculpture and ornament can have in contemporary architecture today.


The third talk, 'Forged Bronze in Architecture' is by Robert Kranenborg.

Following a short explanation of the differences between the various bronzes used in an architectural context, the talk touches on the ways that we have used it in architecture before. Exploring the unique solutions that hot forging of bronze using traditional blacksmithing techniques can offer. This is illustrated with examples from current work on a private residence in Antigua, a church tower restoration near Liverpool and bronze balustrades in London and Jersey.

Robert Kranenborg trained with a number of contemporary artist blacksmiths in the nineties, started managing projects from concept through to completion from about 2000 and set up Forging Matters in 2009. Work has evolved from contemporary and traditional forge work through public art to high end stair balustrades. It is currently coming full circle with projects incorporating more forge work and becoming highly bespoke, while incorporating more alternative metals to steel.

To watch the recording please click here.

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