A Linked Society of the Royal Institute of British Architects

Subscribers Newsletter No 40

16th October 2016

In this issue

·         Create Streets - A new initiative


·         INTBAU Excellence Awards

TAG is pleased to announce

Create Streets - A new initiative


Mount Pleasant Circus by TAG Member Francis Terry

Statement from the website

Create Streets is a non-partisan social enterprise and independent research institute focusing on the built environment.

We encourage the creation of more and better urban homes with terraced streets of houses and apartments rather than complex multi-storey buildings.

We support reform of the planning system to make it more effectively responsive to what people like in the built environment and campaign for community-led building and locally-supported estate regeneration to deliver homes that are popular and stand the test of time.

Beauty, happiness and health in designing the modern city: If you could design the perfect urban development what might it be? This report is an attempt to summarise the sociological data for maximising wellbeing for the greatest number in the modern city or town. ....

The beautification and intensification of London’s arterial roads
London’s arterial roads are some of the most important in the city. But too many are under-developed, polluted, ugly and unpleasant. None strategically make any or sufficient use of express busses or light rail to improve transport into the city centre. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Intensely used avenues or boulevards can be beautiful and busy. It’s time to be more ambitious. It’s time for a change.





The INTBAU World Congress is a biennial forum which brings together global perspectives and knowledge for discussion and debate of pressing issues facing the built environment in communities around the world.

  • 14-15 NOVEMBER 2016

2016’s Congress, Tomorrow’s Cities: Building the Future, will focus on the impacts of rapid urbanisation. This is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today, which will have wide-ranging effects on how and where we live. The Congress will highlight global efforts at the local, national, and international level to respond to three questions:

INTBAU Excellence Awards

The 2016 INTBAU World Congress will culminate in the presentation of the second biannual Excellence Awards to selected projects, practitioners, and communities. Awards will be presented in the Great Room at the Royal Society of Arts on 15th November from 19.00-20.30, with a reception to follow from 20.30-22.00.

Award winners and highly commended candidates for all categories will be announced. Laureates will also be invited to attend a reception at St James’s Palace on 17th November.

Nominations are sought from the global architectural community and from Selection Panel members, the INTBAU College of Chapters (ICC), the INTBAU College of Traditional Practitioners (ICTP), and INTBAU Academic Members. There is no submission fee, and there is no limit on the number of submissions.