A Linked Society of the Royal Institute of British Architects

Outstanding Craftsmanship Award


1) Entries to be nominate only.

2) Nominees must be a British or Irish Citizen.

3) The craft must be on an architectural project.

3) A nominator can submit no more than 3 people.

4) The nominator does not need to personally know the nominee.


Nominations is to be emailed to admin@traditionalarchitecturegroup.org titled TAG OUTSTANDING CRAFTSMANSHIP AWARD by 27th October 2024. Entries must include:-

1) Full name of nomination (including the company their work for) and nominee.

2) Email address of nominator and contact information of the nominee such as general company email.

3) Phone number of nominator.

4) 5 photographs of the nominee’s work.

5) A maximum 250 words explaining why they have been chosen.


From these, a winner will be selected by members of the TAG committee. Discretionary commended schemes will also be chosen by the committee.

The prize will be given out in the Autumn at the TAG awards evening at the Art Workers’ Guild, date TBA.

For further queries, contact admin@traditionalarchitecturegroup.org

The judges reserve the right not to award the cash prize if they feel no entry reaches the standard required to be awarded first prize.