A Linked Society of the Royal Institute of British Architects
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Events and News

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TAG to Hold a Summer Exhibition: Salon des Refusés

To coincide with the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, TAG is holding its own show of works refused for the Summer Show.

All TAG members are being encouraged this year to submit an entry for selection by the RA, and if rejected these entries will automatically go into the TAG Salon des Refusés exhibition being held in June.

This year’s RA Summer Exhibition Architecture Room theme is Models, this entry below is from TAG member Simon Hurst. What chances are there of it being accepted by the RA? Who knows! But if such entries are accepted it will be great publicity for TAG members and the cause of Traditional Architecture.  And if refused, well the TAG exhibition will benefit from even more fine exhibits!


Salon de Refuses by SH.jpg

All members are encouraged to register on the RA website and send an image of a proposed submission by the deadline of 14th February. Click on this link to register: https://summer.royalacademy.org.uk/Artist/Register


Nigel Anderson