A Linked Society of the Royal Institute of British Architects
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Francis Terry succeeds Alireza Sagharchi as the new chair of the Traditional Architecture Group.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Traditional Architecture Group (TAG), on the 1st June, Francis Terry was elected the new chair of TAG.

Terry’s nomination, as seconded by the outgoing Chair, Alireza Sagharchi, who has held the post since 2008, was unanimously approved by the AGM.


Other officers of the Group, Nigel Anderson as Treasurer, Jan Hauger as Membership Secretary and Simon Hurst as Communication Secretary, were also elected at the AGM.

The Traditional Architecture Group is made up of some of the most successful UK based RIBA practices and individuals at the forefront of traditional architecture and urban design in

the UK and worldwide.


TAG’s role and recognition of the Group’s members work at the RIBA has become increasingly more prominent as the profession recognises the importance of an inclusive and

diverse approach to architecture and built environment.


Alireza Sagharchi RIBA FRSA, the Chairman of TAG said: “After nine years of serving as Chair and reaching our goal of gaining recognition within the profession and RIBA, I am

delighted that Francis has decided to take TAG and what it stands for into a new era and generation.”


Francis Terry RIBA, the Chair-Elect of TAG said: ‘I am excited about chairing TAG at a time when people are becoming increasingly open to the imaginative possibilities of

traditional architecture.’


The new chair will take up his responsibilities from July 2017.

Nigel Anderson